Partnership in the symbiosis project

As a company operating according to sustainability values, TEAMNET sees itself as having a responsibility to expand its circles of action with the aim of broadening its positive impact and real contribution as broadly, significantly, and sustainably as possible. One of the means by which it does this is active and continuous participation in the Symbiosis Project.

What is the Symbiosis Project?
The Symbiosis Project is an initiative led by the Industrial Management at the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry for Environmental Protection. The guiding principle by which the project operates is that materials and products that are waste for one party may be efficient and good raw materials for another. By creating industrial symbiosis, maximal utilization of raw materials is encouraged.

The greater the utilization of raw materials, the fewer resources are wasted, and the smaller the environmental footprint. The result is the minimization of ecological damage and the preservation of environmental quality for the sake of nature and the well-being of future generations.

How does the Symbiosis Project work?
As stated, the project’s goal is to prevent the waste of raw materials. Within the initiative, connections are made between manufacturing companies that produce waste and companies that use this waste as raw material for their production processes. As a result, materials that would otherwise be discarded in landfills become a useful and fully utilized resource.

Within the project, different types of waste are mapped and elevated to entities that consume them, enjoying a continuous supply of quality raw materials.